Hello, I'm Alicia

I'm a junior frontend developer

about me

1.0 About me

I'm a self-taught Frontend Developer with a passion for technology and code. What started as a hobby has evolved into a thriving journey towards transforming my enthusiasm for web development into a fulfilling career.

My journey is all about turning my passion into a profession. I aspire to pursue a professional career in the field and have exciting plans to take the next step in my education. Starting next fall, I'll be working towards a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science to further refine my skills and knowledge.

In the meantime, I'm actively building my portfolio and gaining hands-on experience in web development. My portfolio represents the practical experience I've gained in building websites and solving real-world coding challenges.

  • React
  • Css
  • Html

2.0 My Projects


A webbapp for the equestrian community

Next js, supabase, tailwindcss


Website for a small vaccination clinic

Next js, tailwindcss, resend


This portfolio

Next js, tailwindcss, resend

3.0 Contact me

Hi there! 👋🏻

I'm open for work or opportunities to learn more about front-end development. Feel free to send me an email!

about me

© Alicia Olofsson